Thursday, May 31, 2012

8 Fast Growing Technology Stocks With Real Profits

With the recent Facebook IPO, there is a lot of new interest in technology stocks. However, as soon as investors start digging into the tech sector, they realize that not all technology stocks actually return a profit. Further, most technology stocks peak during their IPOs, and see little growth thereafter. Today we set out to find technology stocks that defy those trends; we screened for tech stocks that have not only brought in solid profits, but also have growth on their horizon.The Operating Profit Margin is a profitability ratio that measures the effectiveness of the company's operating efficiency. This metric allows investors to see how much profit is left after all variable costs are covered. If the company's margin is increasing over time this means that it's earning more per dollar of sales. Finding trends in the Operating Profit Margin helps investors identify companies that are improving profitability over
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