Saturday, August 25, 2012

5 Profitable, Large-Cap Stocks With Minimal Debt

At the large cap level, many of the companies appear to have reached the ceiling on their growth potential. But not all. Some of the most successful large caps continue to be industry leaders by driving innovation, expanding into new markets, and introducing new products. Today, we searched for large cap companies with the following traits: minimal debt and consistently strong profits. This is a combination that typically points to a company that has effective management in place, smart business strategies, and is not hindered by paying off debt. We think you will be intrigued by what we found.Return on Assets [ROA] illustrates how much a company is generating in earnings from its assets alone. This metric gives investors a picture of how profitable the company is relative to the assets in current possession. As well, it lets investors see how efficient and effective management is at generating earnings
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