Friday, June 22, 2012

4 Profitable Small Cap Industrials Filling Up Their Cash Reserves

When the direction of the world economy is unclear, industrial stocks are not the most sought after of sectors. However, savvy investors make money by looking where other investors aren't. That's exactly why we screened for industrial stocks. Today we identified some industrial stocks with strong cash reserves, meaning that these companies are well positioned to cover their expenses and possibly make strategic investments or acquisitions. But money in hand isn't enough to warrant investment; we also looked for companies with strong profits filling those cash reserves. Under these criteria, we came up with a pretty interesting list of industrial stocks.The Current ratio is a liquidity ratio used to determine a company's financial health. The metric illustrates how easily a firm can pay back its short obligations all at once through current assets. A company that has a current ratio of one or less is generally a liquidity red
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