Monday, July 2, 2012

5 High-Growth Healthcare Small Caps Armed With Cash

It's no secret that the healthcare sector is ripe with growth opportunities. But where should you start your search? One smart place to look is at healthcare stocks that have amassed sizeable war chests of cash, and that are slated for growth over the next year. The point is that cash reserves spent wisely could both accelerate and magnify that future growth, which could translate to higher ROI. If stocks of this nature sound interesting, you will probably like the short list we came up with.The Current ratio is a liquidity ratio used to determine a company's financial health. The metric illustrates how easily a firm can pay back its short obligations all at once through current assets. A company that has a current ratio of one or less is generally a liquidity red flag. Now this doesn't mean the company will go bankrupt tomorrow, but it also doesn't
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