Thursday, August 23, 2012

3 High-Profit, Low-Debt Oil & Gas Drilling Stocks

Drilling for oil and gas is an expensive and not always productive endeavor. Many companies have to spend years in the exploratory phase and it is likely that debt is accrued during that time. Even when a company is generating significant profits, if the debt becomes unmanageable, it tends to weigh a company down and limit options. When a company is not hindered by debt, they can use those profits to seek out new sights and make strategic acquisitions. With this mind frame, we scanned for oil and gas drilling stocks that have strong profits and minimal debt. We came up with a short list of stocks that are worthy of additional research.The operating profit margin is a profitability ratio that measures the effectiveness of the company's operating efficiency. This metric allows investors to see how much profit is left after all variable costs are covered. If the company's
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