Wednesday, August 22, 2012

7 Highly Liquid Mid Cap Stocks That Analyst Rate As Buy

Companies that have made it to the mid cap level know that lean times can be part of the equation. That is why the more successful companies build up cash reserves. It provides a cushion to weather out those dips and come back strong. Today we developed a list of mid cap stocks that have a high level of liquidity. When a company has flush reserves, it grants more freedom and security. Additionally, these stocks have received a recent 'Buy' rating from industry analysts. We think you will find our list worthy of further research.The current ratio is a liquidity ratio used to determine a company's financial health. The metric illustrates how easily a firm can pay back its short obligations all at once through current assets. A company that has a current ratio of one or less is generally a liquidity red flag. Now this doesn't mean the
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